Who cares if you're an imposter?
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Before I became a coach, and I was struggling to decide if I wanted to invest in a coach training course, I remember being asked, "What's holding you back?"
The answer shocked me, because I could hear this old voice in my head saying, "Who do you think you are? Your life is a mess. You're a basket case. What makes you think you have anything to offer?"
However, when I was reading the book Whole Child Whole Parent by Polly Berrien Berends, she told a story in which her child said to her, "But, Mom... that's so SELF-SAYING!" Smart kid.
Because when you feel like an imposter, it’s because you’re making it about you. I was totally focused on:
“I’m not good enough.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing".
“They’re going to find out.”
But, so what?
Yes, I'm a work in progress. Yes, I learn and grow every day. Yes, I'm learning to love myself better. Yes, at 52 years old I'm learning boundaries that many 20-somethings already know.
But, who cares?
It helps to focus on who I want to serve.
I know the pain people are in. I know that coaching works. I know that listening to someone with a firmly-held belief in their greatness, health, resourcefulness, and creativity WILL serve them.
There are so many people who would LOVE and greatly benefit from a loving, brave listening ear. People for whom your unique presence and your unique kindness is a huge blessing.
You don't have to be everyone's cup of tea. But you can focus on those you’re here for, just by relaxing into being yourself.
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