Coach Approach Blog

Coach Approach

Can you get lost in a labyrinth?

Safety is inside you.

Sometimes it is hidden behind your doubts and fears and shame. But it is always within you and waiting for you find it. 

That's part of why I love the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth imagery for the Awaken journey. There's only one path on a labyrinth. It's not a maze. It's impossible to get lost, if you just keep on the journey.
The path is longer than you think. You're just stepping inside and then you're already ALMOST at the center a few steps later. Hal…

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What happens when the wave hits?

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As I continue my journey of discovering my neurodiverse nature, I’ve been reading lots and lots of books about the topic, from such a wide variety of wonderful autistic women. :-)

One of my favorites is “What I Mean When I Say Im Autistic” by Annie Kotowitz. Her writing about sensory stuff is sooooo useful for all of us, no matter what our neurotype. She writes,

“Trying to stop an emotion – in yourself or someone you love – is like trying to stop a wave.

I speak from experience as someone…

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Is prayer more about talking or listening?

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When you think of prayer and meditation as "talking", you might be imagining a connection to the divine, in which you are bringing words and content to the experience. You might be reaching out to God or the universe, often using language, to bring your questions, pleas for help, gratitude, and praise.

When you think of prayer or meditation as "listening", your experience might be quite different. The content, with or without words, might emerge from a space of receptivity. You might cease your…

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How Empowerment Coaching Can Help You Unlock Your Full Potential

A woman leading a business meeting with confidence

I was in a coach training on a Friday afternoon with a man who considers himself a real champion of women's empowerment. At one point he taught our group of mainly women, “It’s so important that I, as a white man, learn to give away my power.”

From his perspective, I’m sure that felt true. To me, and the other women in the room, it felt gross. Something about the way he said it proved that he believed deep inside that he inherently has and deserves the power he has in excess, and we could feel …

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Becoming a Spiritual Awakening Coach

spirituality as depicted by an ethereal ocean and sunbeams bursting from a setting sun

When I was a kid, I was raised in a tradition of reward and punishment, a religious mindset that put people into categories of good and evil, of chosen and not chosen. I knew myself to be in the evil category, and was praised for that knowledge. I hid my knowledge that I was not chosen.

But when I was 28 years old and in deep despair after a miscarriage, the beauty and honor of human life became perfectly evident to me. I was so sad about the loss of my child and so aware of her inherent worth …

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Why Spiritual Coaching is the Key to Finding Deeper Joy in Your Life

woman in deep thought

When I first became a coach, I was on a high about all the changes my clients were making in their lives. It was all about achieving goals, success, promotions, career ladder-climbing, taking action, and excitement. At the same time, it took a lot of my energy. I felt like I was constantly needing to infuse a boost into my clients’ lives, and they would still come back looking for more without making the lasting changes I knew they could. 

It took me years to piece together the levels of depth …

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How Mindset Coaching Can Improve Your Flow

beach, rocks in the sea, sea

Those of you who know me well remember that I struggled for about eight years with panic attacks. I remember being nine months pregnant, walking the halls of the Rayburn building in Washington, DC to convince the powers that be to enact a piece of legislation that would benefit my company. 

I was exhausted, but kept pushing myself to do more, to impress and to succeed. I was constantly overwhelmed and stressed by the demands of my daily life. Every morning, I would wake up feeling anxious and a…

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What does curiosity have to do with Rising Strong?

In chapter 4 of Rising Strong, Brené Brown writes,

"The opposite of recognizing that we’re feeling something is denying our emotions. The opposite of being curious is disengaging. When we deny our stories and disengage from tough emotions, they don’t go away; instead, they own us, they define us. Our job is not to deny the story, but to defy the ending—to rise strong, recognize our story, and rumble with the truth until we get to a place where we think, Yes. This is what happened. This is my tr…

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Can I create sacred spaces in my home?

As I've been lying around blowing my nose and recovering from a bad head cold, I'm feeling so grateful for the sacred spaces I can see from my bed. 

On a bookshelf across from me, I can see a little collection of arranged items:

  • A photo of my husband and me, representing the young love we experienced in Paris when we were newly married.
  • A blue lantern shining forth my core values of community and grace - gifted to me by a group I led in Brene Brown's Rising Strong course in Kenya.
  • A Tibeta…

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Want a super silly, funny way to change beliefs?

If you've got a thought that keeps coming back, is holding you back, or you just feel gross when you think it, why not try a hilarious way to hear yourself thinking? 

Let's say, for example, you have a thought that sounds something like this: 

  • "I'll never be able to do that."
  • "I'm not that smart."
  • "I'm too old/young for that."
  • "I'm not good enough." 
  • "I just can't figure things out."
  • "I'm so confused."

What if you try playing around with how that thought (remember, it's a thought, no…

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